Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Controls Have Arrived!

While waiting to get the cabinet, I have been doing research and have come to a decision on the layout of my control panel. I have decided to get the following:
  • 2 Happ Competition joysticks
  • 12 Happ horizontal pushbuttons
  • 1 Happ white "Player 1" start button
  • 1 Happ white "Player 2" start button
  • 1 Happ 3" White Trackball
  • 1 Turbo Twist 2 Spinner with Interface board from Groovy Game Gear
  • 1 GP-Wiz Eco 32 control interface from Groovy Game Gear
The trackball I got used on ebay for $37. The spinner and GP-Wiz I purchased directly from, and the rest of the Happ controls I purchased from a seller, divemaster127 on the BYOAC buy/sell/trade forum.

I hooked up a joystick and 6 buttons last night on a test panel to try them out and they work great! I cant wait to get the cabinet and start work on the final control panel. I will put some photos up later tonight when I get home... all I have is a lousy camera-phone picture and I won't subject you to the "fantastic" quality of that one!

Things are also pulling together so it looks as though I will FINALLY be able to pick up the cabinet on Saturday... yes thats right, 01/26/2008!!!

Here is a photo of the cabinet before it was gutted:

I will make sure to bring the camera along and document the adventures of bringing the cab home... should be entertaining to say the least! :)

Be back soon with an update!

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