Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Space Duel has come home...

My friend Ryan and I went to get the cab on Saturday! The cabinet gods did try to prevent me from getting the cabinet by making me find another truck to do the hauling at the last minute, but fortunately I was able to find one, and all was good. We were able to find the place easily and made it home with no problems. Luckily the guy that I was getting the cabinet from was not a frail old man, as the cabinet would have been a pain to load with just the two of us!

Of course, both of us forgot to bring a camera, so the only photos that I have are ones that I took of the cabinet after it was already in my basement. So without further ado...

This is the cab sitting in the basement where I will be working on it.

This is the control panel... its a bit chopped up, but that doesn't matter. I know someone who works at a metal shop and he is going to use the original to make a new one for me.

Here are a few detail shots of the coin door, coin mechs and plate on the bottom front

Coin mechs... they accept quarters, and both of them still work!

Looks like its #2491 in the production run... I wonder how many of these were made?

And finally, here is a photo of my test bench. That control panel was made with a hand saw, some spare screws I had laying around and some wood from an old computer desk... quality!

That's all for now. I will update as soon as I get some more done on the cab... gotta get some big kid stuff out of the way first...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Space Arcade Lives!

I forgot to mention in my previous post that I have come up with a name for my machine: "Space Arcade"... real original huh? What? A space-themed MAME cabinet? Thats never been done before! :P

Well my reasoning behind it was that I wanted it to be "Space ______" since the machine was originally "Space Duel".so I did some brainstorming and came up with Space Arcade. Its short, simple, fits the theme, and will fit in the space that I have on the marquee. So off to photoshop I went... ah, glorious photoshop! After a few revisions, I settled on a design. Here is what I have so far... it still needs some clean up work and finishing, but it is looking pretty good!

If you are curious, and have never seen the original, here it is:

I am also working on a custom control panel overlay, but it still needs some work before I upload it here... keep an eye out for the next update... should be a good one!

The Controls Have Arrived!

While waiting to get the cabinet, I have been doing research and have come to a decision on the layout of my control panel. I have decided to get the following:
  • 2 Happ Competition joysticks
  • 12 Happ horizontal pushbuttons
  • 1 Happ white "Player 1" start button
  • 1 Happ white "Player 2" start button
  • 1 Happ 3" White Trackball
  • 1 Turbo Twist 2 Spinner with Interface board from Groovy Game Gear
  • 1 GP-Wiz Eco 32 control interface from Groovy Game Gear
The trackball I got used on ebay for $37. The spinner and GP-Wiz I purchased directly from, and the rest of the Happ controls I purchased from a seller, divemaster127 on the BYOAC buy/sell/trade forum.

I hooked up a joystick and 6 buttons last night on a test panel to try them out and they work great! I cant wait to get the cabinet and start work on the final control panel. I will put some photos up later tonight when I get home... all I have is a lousy camera-phone picture and I won't subject you to the "fantastic" quality of that one!

Things are also pulling together so it looks as though I will FINALLY be able to pick up the cabinet on Saturday... yes thats right, 01/26/2008!!!

Here is a photo of the cabinet before it was gutted:

I will make sure to bring the camera along and document the adventures of bringing the cab home... should be entertaining to say the least! :)

Be back soon with an update!

Friday, January 4, 2008

A Cabinet is Found!

I have been waiting to make this post until I actually had the cabinet in my possession, but I wanted to get an update on this page. I finally found someone within an hour's drive that has an empty cabinet that is in great condition. It is an Atari Space Duel from 1982.

Space Duel entry on the Killer List of Video Games

I finally found this cabinet by posting a message on the following two usenet groups.

Within a day, I had a couple of offers, and I picked the one that I liked best. I received the offer on December 4th, and since then I have been trying to coordinate a convenient meeting time and find someone that I can borrow a pickup truck from. Every time that the guy is available, my friend falls through with the truck, and vice-versa. Fortunately, he is in no hurry to get rid of the cabinet, and is willing to hold on to it until I can come get it.

Also, in the time since my last post, I have been frequenting the BYOAC forums and trying to learn as much as I can. I think I have decided on a control panel layout, but I want to wait until I have the cabinet so I can make some measurements.

I have also been experimenting with ideas for the artwork. I plan on keeping the original side art since it is in good condition. For the marquee, my original plans were to modify a scan of the original marquee and change the words from "Space Duel" to something different, but I am having second thoughts now, mainly because I cant think of a good name for my machine! Since it will be a two-player cabinet, and I am keeping the original side art, I may keep the original marquee. I do plan on making my own custom control panel overlay though. I want to base it on the original design, but make it look good with the two player layout and possible addition of a trackball.

Thats about it for now. I will probably place my order for the controls soon, and one of these days I will get around to picking up the cabinet to house it all!!