Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Custom Coin Door Labels

When I was a kid, the arcade that I spent all of my time and money in was Aladdin's Castle at our local mall. I had a birthday party or two there and that's what comes to mind when I think of what an arcade should be. Because of this, I have been looking for Aladdin's Castle tokens since I got my machine up and running. Recently, I was able to pick up some tokens, so I took it upon myself to update the coin door graphics to match the switch to tokens.

Original label along with redesigned 25¢ and Tokens

I simply printed them on cardstock with a laser printer and then cut them out. If anyone is interested in the source files, here they are. Feel free to use them as you wish.

If anyone stumbles on this blog and has some of these Aladdin's Castle tokens laying around, send me a message and I will gladly take them off of your hands!


Unknown said...

are they even worth anything ?

Chad said...

Their only value would be in their rarity or if an arcade is using the same size token, of course you could use them.

I think when an arcade closed, the left over tokens were sent back to namco or whatever the issuing company was in order for them to be reissued or destroyed.